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10/09/23 08:12 AM #1583    

Yaela Ettlinger (Yaela Ettlinger)

Yeah Judy that would be great.  Give us your dates and we'll see what we can set up.

10/09/23 08:16 AM #1584    

Yaela Ettlinger (Yaela Ettlinger)

So sorry to hear about Friendly Mitchel's passing.  We went to Madrona Elementary together and he was always friendly.

10/10/23 12:34 PM #1585    


John Hein

This past weekend one our classmates rode/piloted the Miss Wahoo U77. I can't tell you his name as that would be indiscreet, but his initials are Sam Amira. Congrats and kudos Sam, U Dah MAN!!! The deep azure sky was perfect, and the whole weekend was a great real-time walk down memory lane.

10/10/23 12:40 PM #1586    


John Hein

I can't say this is Sam, but somebody's underway to the ride of a lifetime. The announcer said each lap around the course consumes $90 in fuel. An oustanding example of gallons-per-mile, eh what? 

10/11/23 09:37 AM #1587    

Gary Crevling

This is not a response to John's message.  In order to settle a family "discussion", I'm trying to find out what a Prom dress would have cost between 1966 and 1968 if purchased from Seattle's most exclusive retail store, Best Apparel. Do any of our classmates remember what they paid? A ball park estimate would work or if you purchased one from another department store that would help, but it seems Best Apparel set the bench mark.Thanks




10/11/23 11:04 AM #1588    

John MacLeod

A great time was on the agenda last weekend, at Lake Chelan.  The weather was outstanding.  The unlimiteds did not race, but made many laps around the course.  Two, three or four at a time.  Almost like a race, with the roar of thunder and roostertails.  Four of us from the Class of 68 hooked up and stalked the ellusive Sam.  We probably saw him many times, but did not know he was in the Wahoo.  Next year.

  Look up Mahogany and Merlot on "You Tube" to see some of the action from this year and years past.

10/12/23 11:43 AM #1589    

Sylvia Lovegren (Petras)

Hi Gary,

I didn't go to the prom (too much of a hippie for such things!) but I'd guess that a party dress from Best would have run between $75-150. I bought a Pendelton wool dress that I wore for work and it was $50, much more than I would have usually paid but it was considered "good" and a worthwhile investment because of the quality. I still remember being shocked that I would spend that much for a dress at the time, but "good clothes" were a thing then.  :)  


10/13/23 09:16 AM #1590    

Nancy Raetzloff (Groth)

Checked in with Kiki Kahani (Wiksel) from our class by email.   She lives in Tel Aviv.  Kiki says that she and her family are okay, but everyone is traumatized.  

10/17/23 08:04 PM #1591    

Ric Rivera

Awesome previous posts!

Ok, Seward Park was the back or front door for some of our classmates. For all of us in the hood, it was our playground sanctuary. Old Growth! CHECK OUT THE VIDEO Link! - The insert below was written by Paul Shannon, Friends of Seward Park in the nextdoor website. - You may wish to Support Research into Species Decline in Seward Park’s Old-Growth Forest - 

The Friends of Seward Park just released an 18-minute documentary on the old-growth "Magnificent Forest" at Seward Park.  We got permission through the mayor's office to fly a drone, so you will see some beautiful footage from above and within the canopy of our rare 500-year old forest.
Despite years of (mostly) citizen science effort, we still do not understand why the sword ferns are dying.   We have been glad to see that though the die-off continues, it has now slowed down.
The documentary film tells the story, brings in many strong voices: scientific, indigenous, and from young people - a wide sample from our diverse neighborhood. 

This winter, with UW interns, we will  do an in-depth survey of  dramatic ongoing mortality of Western Hemlocks. 
Looking on the bright side, we found out last summer that the many huge & beautiful doug firs, the backbone of the forest, appear to be in good health.

10/18/23 08:20 AM #1592    

Yaela Ettlinger (Yaela Ettlinger)

Thanks Ric.  I'm grateful to get this update on our beloved Seward Park.

10/18/23 08:21 AM #1593    

Yaela Ettlinger (Yaela Ettlinger)

Steve Condioty,  Happy belated birthday.  Hope you had lots of fun. L'shalom, Yaela

10/18/23 10:48 AM #1594    

Sylvia Lovegren (Petras)

Thanks for the Seward Park video, Ric. Had no idea that was old growth forest. All those years of rocketing around the loop in happy ignorance. Sad and scary the ferns are dying -- hope they figure it out and get the help they need!  

10/20/23 12:02 PM #1595    

Wayne Cofer

Thanks for the info on Seward park. It was a great story. 

 I do hope they figure out how to save the ferns in the park. 

Shame how much is alread gone.

Besides all the fields of large ferns and the wonderful old tree, I miss the old fish hatchery too.  

The video brought back a lot of memories.  

Bill and I used to run along all the various paths with in the park. Our cross country team would 

run down from Franklin and do hill workouts at Seward park. I really enjoyed them. 

OK,  that might have come across as a rather sick coment -- but I truly did love those hill work outs. 




10/21/23 01:12 PM #1596    

Mike O'Brien

Seward Park, for many of us, was (is?) a big and beautiful playground. So many good times spent there! Sad that they had to stop the drive-around option. Sign of the times I guess. Still a gorgeous park!

10/22/23 07:26 AM #1597    


Al Ovadia

Thanks Ric. Brings back lots of memories.

10/22/23 12:25 PM #1598    

John MacLeod

Gary,  I checked with the wife unit.  Her dress cost $125.00 in 1964.  I bought a pair of Danner Boots in 1965 for $35.00.  Same boots are now $475.00.  !972 a 4'x8'x1/2" sheet of plasterboard was $.75.  It is now $16.50 .   A 2"x4"x8' stud was $.25, is now $3.75.  Suits at Klophensteins cost me $125.00 each and a tuxedo was $275.00.  All circa 1974.  My first year at WSU cost me a total of $1,920.00 for room, board, tuition books and misc. BS.  I had an envelope with all the reciepts until a year/two ago.  Oh, wait.  Those are all from the latter quarter of the 20th century.  What gives with that?  That might make a prom dress $1,500.00 to $2,200.00, today.  Ouch!  By my math that means prices have gone up from 15 to 20 times.  

Maybe some answers at the next family dinner.  Stuff happens traveling west............John

10/22/23 12:39 PM #1599    

John MacLeod

Sherry Jones lived at the hatchery.  One of my Times paper routes included her house and the concession building.  What a pain in the sit-down when it came time to collect.  Made a good chunk of changes collecting bottles and hauling them up to Ray's Thriftway.  Like most of us, great memories.

10/22/23 02:19 PM #1600    

Nancy Raetzloff (Groth)

Sherry Jones' father, cleaned out one of the fish ponds and let Sherry and I swim in the pond.


10/23/23 07:57 AM #1601    

Sylvia Lovegren (Petras)


Glad your wife confirmed the range I figured.  The sad thing is, we probably wouldn't pay $125 for a dress now -- things are so cheaply made and made by people being paid peanuts. We used to sew our own clothes because it was less expensive. Now it's MORE expensive to make your own clothing.  Wish housing, healthcare and education prices had kept pace with clothing prices!  

12/01/23 05:49 AM #1602    

Nancy Raetzloff (Groth)

Hey everyone, I just heard from Donna A. by way of Trollice Flavors, that Ray Campbell passed away.  Does anyone know anything?  Please let me know so I can post something on the In Memory section of this website.  Thanks a bunch.

12/02/23 08:09 AM #1603    

Dorothy Rodes

Nancy, there's an obit online for Ray Hosea Campbell of Maple Valley, age 73. I wasn't able at first pass to get more info. The link is


12/02/23 01:12 PM #1604    

Nancy Raetzloff (Groth)

Thanks Dorothy.  I will check it out.

12/04/23 10:36 AM #1605    

John MacLeod

Checked out the Legacy web site.  No mistaking him in the photo.  Mark Weaver left a comment at Legacy. Let's see here?  FromTrollis to Donna to Nancy.,can't get any better than that..  Yup.

12/26/23 09:41 AM #1606    

John MacLeod

Holiday greetings to all usins.  Chaunuka has come and gone.  Christmas has been and gone.  Unless you live in Russia, then it is in January.  Kwanza is just starting for a week.  Select one, two, none or all of the above.  Thanks to my FHS experience I choose all of the above.  Yippy, skippy still so drippy.

Thought for all the years come, gone and yet to be.  Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your mind............................Time to go, yo-ho.

01/01/24 12:17 AM #1607    

Ric Rivera

From my Facebook cover profile photo. BEST WISHES - Auld Lang Syne - Happy New Year 2024, Facebook friends and friends of friends. - -  We write a new novel. Begin fresh like the taste of a new delicious food dish that’s yummy to our taste buds. Out with the old, in with the new. The latest you, me, our resolutions. Ah, but the only things that hold us back are the things we can't let go of. Resolution intention: - make new buds like a flowering plant – spring out and blossom - let go. Wishing y’all the best as we roll! - Forward ho! 

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